Code of Conduct / Gedragskode

Code of Conduct

We would like to bring the following to your attention:

  • This note is a summary of norms and the policy regarding the discipline at this school as passed by the Governing Body and District Office.
  • Please acquaint yourself with the contents of it to alleviate misunderstandings and to clarify certain issues for future reference.
  • Please encourage your child to adhere to these rules and norms, as you are the primary educator of your child.
  • Colour Blazers (Provincial or National) may only be worn to school on FRIDAYS.
  • The Code of Conduct and Grievance Procedure is subject to the stipulations of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, (Act 108 of 1998), the South African’s School’s Act (Act No. 84 of 1996) and any other acts of relevance, and will demonstrate constitutional democracy, human rights and transparent communication in its acceptance and implementation.
  • This Code of Conduct and Grievance Procedure will apply to any person who, at the time of allegedly overstepping the rules of practicing misconduct, was bound by the disciplinary structure of Protea School (Article 8(4)).
  • Discipline will be applied at all times in the classroom, in the school, on the playground and on the buses to ensure that the instruction of learners takes place without behavioral disturbances and misconduct. Learners are therefore to apply self-discipline.
  • The disciplinary procedure will therefore be smooth, fair, reasonable, corrective, consistent and educationally acceptable. The parent will be informed and included, where possible, in the improving of the learner’s behaviour. Learners will be protected against abuse, mocking and victimisation by adults or other learners.
  • Any disciplinary actions or corrective measures will be relevant to the misdemeanor or misconduct. Corrective measures may however become harsher if the behaviour is repeated. It may lead to suspension or even expulsion from school.
  • Only serious problems are to be referred to the Principal and if all attempts are unsuccessful, the matter will be referred to the Governing Body.
  • The Governing Body can suspend any learner who is guilty of an offence as taken up in the Code of Conduct. This is done in agreement with the Executive Management of the school.
  • All decisions made with regards to suspension or expulsion will happen in accordance with the S.A. School Act (Law 84 of 1996).
  • For further information, a full copy of the Code of Conduct can be viewed at school.


Ons wil graag die volgende onder u aandag bring:

  • Hierdie is ‘n opsomming van die norms en beleid aangaande die dissipline in die skool soos deur die Beheerliggaam en Distrikskantoor aanvaar.
  • Vergewis uself asseblief van die inhoud hiervan om misverstande in die toekoms uit te skakel.
  • Moedig u kind asseblief aan om hieraan te voldoen, omdat u die primêre opvoeder van u kind is en bly.
  • Kleurbaadjies (Provinsiaal, Nasionaal) mag net op VRYDAE gedra word.
  • Hierdie Gedragskode en Grieweprosedure is onderhewig aan die bepalings van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika (Wet 108 van 1998), die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet (Wet no. 84 van 1996) en enige ander provinsiale wetgewing van toepassing en sal die grondwetlike demokrasie, menseregte en deursigtige kommunikasie weerspieël in die aanvaarding en toepassing daarvan.
  • Hierdie Gedragskode en Grieweprosedure is van toepassing op enige persoon wat ten tye van die oortreding of wangedrag wat teen hom of haar beweer word, aan die dissipline van Proteaskool onderhewig is (Artikel 8(4)).
  • Dissipline sal te alle tye in die klaskamer, in die skool, op die skoolterrein en op die busse gehandhaaf word ten einde te verseker dat die onderrig van leerders sonder ontwrigtende gedrag en oortredings verloop. Dit stel die aanleer van selfdissipline by die leerders ten doel.
  • Die dissiplinêre proses sal vlot, billik, regverdig, korrektief, konsekwent en opvoedkundig verantwoordbaar wees. Waar moontlik sal die ouer ingelig en betrek word by die verbetering van die leerder se gedrag. Leerders sal teen mishandeling, verkleinering en viktimisasie deur volwassenes of ander leerders beskerm word.
  • Enige dissiplinêre optrede of korrektiewe maatreël sal strook met die oortreding of misstap. Korrektiewe maatreëls mag strenger word met verdere herhaaldelike oortredings. Dit kan lei tot skorsing of uitsetting uit die skool.
  • Net ernstige probleme word direk na die skoolhoof verwys vir dissiplinêre optrede en as alle pogings onsuksesvol is, sal die saak verwys word na die Beheerliggaam.
  • Die Beheerliggaam mag op aanbeveling van die Uitvoerende Bestuur van die skool en na billike verhoor deur die Dissiplinêre Komitee, enige leerder skors wat skuldig bevind is aan ‘n oortreding van die bepalings in die Gedragskode (Artikel 9(1)(a)).
  • Alle besluite wat tot skorsing of uitsetting uit die skool lei sal geskied aan die hand van die S.A. Skolewet (Wet 84 van 1996).
  • Vir verdere inligting kan `n volledige afskrif van die Gedragskode by die skool gesien word.

Dissipline Procedure

Dissipline starts at home and is followed through at school.

Yellow slips are used for incorrect/poor behaviour and homework/academic work not completed.

  • After 3 yellow slips parents will receive a letter to inform them about the problem.
  • After another 3 yellow slips the parents receive another letter as well as a telephone call to notify them.
  • After the third group of yellow slips the parents will be called in for a discussion with the relevant teachers and psycologist.

Green slips are used for correct and admirable behaviour.

  • After 3 green slips the learner receives 20 merits.
  • Should a learner have 300 or more merits before our prize giving event, he or she will then receive a certificate.

Any serious offences (e.g. use of narcotics or alcoholic substances, indecent assault, ect.) will be dealt with by the HOD, Deputy and Principal.

The roots of education are bitter, but the are sweet - Aristotle