Class Rules / Klasreels
Class Rules
- Learners line up outside class.
- Wait for other learners to exit class first.
- Enter class quietly and orderly.
- Stand behind the chair.
- Greet the educator.
- Sit down, take out books and receive instructions from educator.
- Cases neatly beside desk on floor.
- No chewing gum allowed in any class.
- No sitting on desks.
- No playing around in class.
- No shouting in class – put up hand.
- No eating of any sort in class.
- Wait for instruction from educator to stand, push in chairs, greet educator and exit class in orderly fashion.
- Do not throw objects around in class.
- Do not walk around unnecessarily.
- No talking in lines.
Change classes quickly yet quietly. - Keep class neat and tidy at all times.
- If absent, learner is responsible to catch up work missed.
- Absent learners must hand in work to be assessed.
- No riding on chairs.
- Do not leave the class without permission.
- Learners are to stand up when the Principal enters the class.
- Leerders moet in rye staan buite die klas.
- Wag vir ander leerders om eers uit te kom.
- Gaan klas stil en ordelik binne.
- Staan agter jou stoel.
- Groet die opvoeder.
- Sit, haal boeke uit en ontvang instruksies van opvoeder.
- Tasse ordentlik langs tafel op vloer. Geen tasse in LABORATORIUM en TEKENKLAS nie.
- Geen kougom in enige klas nie.
- Moenie op tafels sit nie.
- Moenie rondspeel in die klas nie.
- Mag nie in die klas uitskree nie – steek hand op.
- Mag nie in die klas eet nie.
- Wag vir instruksies van opvoeder om te staan, stoot stoele in, groet opvoeder en stap ordelik uit.
- Moenie goed in klasse rondgooi nie.
- Moenie onnodig in klas rondloop nie.
- Geen gepraat in rye nie.
- Wissel klas vinnig en stil.
- Hou klas skoon en netjies te alle tye.
- As leerder afwesig is, is hy of sy verantwoordelik om werk in te haal.
- Afwesige leerders moet werk inhandig vir assessering.
- Moenie op stoele ry nie.
- Mag nie klas sonder toestemming verlaat nie.
- Leerders staan op as Hoof inkom.
- Ouers moet elke dag huiswerkboek teken.
Technological Equipment
The following items are not allowed at school:
- iPods, MP3 players, Play Stations, CD walkmans, Digital cameras, portable DVD players & Laptop computers.
These items will be confiscated immediately if a learner brings any of the items to school and will only be returned at the end of the term.
Cell phones
Learners are allowed to bring cell phones to school on condition that:
- It is not visible
- It is switched off between 07:45 – 13:45
If the above conditions are not adhered to, the cellphone will be confiscated immediatley, kept at school for 7 (seven) days, after which the parents will allowed to fetch it.
If the phone is confiscated again it will be kept until the end of the term.
Tegnologiese Toerusting
Die volgende toerusting mag nie skool toe gebring word nie:
- iPods, MP3 spelers, Play Stations, CD walkmans, Digitate Kameras, draagbare DVD spelers en Skootrekenaars.
Indien enige leerder enige van hierdie items skool toe bring; sal dit onmiddelik gekonfiskeer word en eers aan die einde van die termyn terug besorg word.
Leerders mag selfone skool toe bring milts:
- Dit nie sigbaar is nie
- Dit afgeskakel bly van 07:45 – 13:45
As bogenoemde reëls oortree word sal die selfoon onmiddelik gekonfiskeer word, waarna die ouers dit na 7(sewe) dae kan afhaal.
As die foon vir die tweede keer gekonfiskeer word, sal dit slags aan die einde van die termyn terug gegee word.